C&T Matrix now offers the Perf-Offset range to customers.
Manufactured by Clear Group, C&T Channel Matrix (C&T)’s Spanish subsidiary, Perf-Offset is an innovative system for cutting, creasing and perforation inline on litho print presses.
Since acquiring Clear Group in February 2022, C&T has increased its portfolio significantly, strengthening its leadership position in die consumables and offering C&T multiple benefits in terms of product sourcing. The Perf-Offset range is C&T’s latest addition and will offer customers an innovative and effective system for cutting, creasing, and perforation.
The product is placed on the cylinders of litho presses and can be easily set up within five minutes, allowing simple finishing techniques to be brought in-house rather than outsourced, saving customers both time and money. The product can be used on a variety of paper types, from thin paper to thick board. It can also be placed in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines, making the product versatile and efficient for a variety of requirements.
Perf-Offset is a two-part system, comprised of two self-adhesive strips. The first strip is the perforating, creasing or cutting rule which is placed onto the impression cylinder. The second part is an anvil strip that is attached to the blanket. It is this unique system that differentiates Perf-Offset from standard litho-perf products, as there is no need for special perforation blankets. The adhesive used on the strips can withstand the high-temperature conditions encountered during the print process and will remain fixed, within register, throughout the entire process.
For further details regarding C&T Channel Matrix and its innovative creasing matrix solutions visit www.candtmatrix.co.uk